Top 10 Phrases to Boost Your Confidence Fast


Written by Angie

Brand Strategist with more than 15 years of experience specializing in creating brands that attract ideal clients through logo design, packaging, and web design.

Starting a business is full of questions, unknowns, frustration, fear, and excitement mixed with achievement, goal-setting, and worry. I know – It’s a mix of all of it. All negative and positive thoughts, feelings, and comments from friends, family, and potential clients.

Do you know where to start? What is your end goal?
How do you deal with all the emotions and limiting beliefs (who doesn’t have those)?

Top 10 Phrases to Boost Your Confidence Fast

Top 10 Phrases to Boost Your Confidence in 2021

There will come a time when you feel confused, unsure, and lacking in self-confidence. It could happen at work, at home with family, or even when you’re with friends or neighbors. Luckily, you can send yourself some messages that will put you back on track.

Say these top 10 phrases to boost your confidence when your self-esteem is drooping:

I am enough.

Whether you think you are not smart enough, funny enough, productive enough, wealthy enough, or anything else… My main suggestion is to write “I am enough” on a few post-its and keep it on your mirror in the bathroom, on the fridge, by the bedroom door, and in a few other places you pass by, stop by daily. Read it intentionally at least a few times a day. The changes won’t be instant but with time you will see the difference.

I am allowed to feel however I feel.

You’re a human being. Therefore, your thoughts or emotions will get the better of you from time to time. So, give yourself a break. Yes. You will have bad days, you will have hours you are ready to trow the towel. The secret is to allow yourself to feel this way, hug yourself, and remind yourself of why you started and where you are going. Having supporting friends or groups definitely can help – reach out!

I can take some time to figure this out.

You have a right to have some moments away from the confidence-reducing situation to think it through. Take it.

It is ok to have moments of lower self-esteem.

Emotional waves are normal. All entrepreneurs go through ups and downs, feeling like a superhero or a total loser sometimes. Allow it to be, remind yourself that it’s normal and send lots of love towards yourself. The more enriched your life is, the more likely it is that low confidence will occur. It’s impossible to be on top of your game one hundred percent of the time. Your self-confidence will bounce back like it usually does. Sure, you may have hit a bump along your journey, but it’s happened before and you recovered.

I have a lot of positives in my life.

It’s helpful to reflect on the high points of your existence. You may have a partner, kids, a job you love, and a home that’s comforting. Tell yourself that the positives may largely exist because of you, your choices, and your actions. Connecting with that thought will build up your confidence.

A fantastic suggestion is to maintain a gratitude journal, setting aside a daily moment to jot down the things, places, and people that bring you joy. Mark it on your calendar or express your gratitude verbally. Personally, I make it a ritual to do this right after I wake up and again as I prepare to sleep.

gratitude journal

My confidence has been strong during many important life events.

Remind yourself that your confidence has been there for you whenever you needed it. Maybe it was when you were giving speeches in college, discussing marriage with your partner, or preparing for a major project at work.

I have what it takes to live a productive life.

You know you possess the very essence of inner strength, courage, and confidence to think and create.

I am successful.

Think positively. If you adopt this statement as your personal mantra, you’ll be surprised at the things you can accomplish. What a way to boost your confidence!
Think of some famous catchphrases like, “Just do it” or “Image is everything.” Then, make up a phrase that inspires you. Some examples are, “I’m hard-working” and “I can do anything I set my mind to.”

I am rediscovering my personal strength.

It takes courage to admit to being unsure about what to do in a tough situation. But acknowledging your low confidence can lead you to have the strength to move forward one step at a time.

I can always seek out guidance.

If your confidence reaches such a low that you’re struggling to go forward, talk with your partner, a friend, or even a life coach if you like.

It’s helpful to receive some pointers from those familiar with fluctuating confidence levels.
Refuse to allow a momentary lag in confidence to bring you down. You’re in control of your feelings and choices. Decide to say these statements to yourself to boost your confidence when needed. You’ll be on top of your game once again.

Not enough help to start a business with confidence? Contact Angie or book your confidence session or a session to overcome limiting beliefs, help heal trauma or gain clarity.

Confidence Session

KredoDesign-Top 10 Phrases to Boost Your Confidence Fast

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Branding + Web Design by Kredo Design

"Angie was an integral part of our team during the creation and development of the Ecobolt brand of folding electric motorcycles.

Starting with brainstorming the brand name and designing our website, through creating marketing materials and sales networking, her knowledge and insight across many aspects of the business were invaluable."

Anders Stubkjaer

COO and CFO, Green Energy Motors

"Working with Angie has been a true pleasure.  She is extremely knowledgeable and patient, and the website she designed for my business is beautiful and functional.  She understands the technical aspects of building a website and has the marketing skills necessary for making it useful. Throughout our work together, I felt that Angie cared about my business and the clients that I serve.  She worked within my budget and gave me the skills that I need to maintain my website independently in the future.  Without reservation, I would recommend Angie and Kredo Design to other business owners".

Loren Goodman

Music Therapist, Prospect Music Therapy

"Working with Angie has been a great experience. She gets to know who you are and what you do and creates a masterpiece!!

She created the perfect logo and her ideas for the website truly aligned with the path my business is headed. I have a perfect website and blog thanks to Angie and Kredo Design. You can have one too - don't hesitate to give her a call!"

Linda Herron

Animal Communicator, Fresh Spirit Works

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